
Boost Fitness

“We realized we could save money by handling billing and collections ourselves. By taking that in-house, we were free to get the best club management software around—that was clearly AptusSoft—all the other companies were really processing, not software specialists. With AptusSoft we get a comprehensive product and highly responsive service.”

Mark Federico
Boost Fitness
Patrick Druken

“There were a couple of finalists for new club management software, but what led us to choose AptusSoft was their ability to find solutions for our club’s unique needs. After working with them to install and customize our new system, the difference between what we had before and what we have now is like night and day—internally we’re all on the same platform, we have good checks and balances, good control, and management and reporting is much easier. And their service has been fabulous—they really go the extra mile!”

Patrick Druken
General Manager
Tennis Hall of Fame Tennis Club